Просмотр полной версии : Hello! The first beremennostzakonchilas mors of the child (VPR: neprohod...

27.05.2004, 09:51
Hello! The first beremennostzakonchilas mors of the child (VPR: an obstruction of an intestine) after operation in 1 month Now I plan beremenit again. Has handed over all analyses. Have found out only Koksaki Groups In and A.Vrach on nevynashivaniju speaks pregnancy, that an infection we shall correct or adjust during pregnancy. Can it is necessary to make it before pregnancy (and how) or vrach vse-taki the rights? Whether any treatment is necessary for the husband and what?

Malanova T.B.
28.05.2004, 09:44
If the obstruction of an intestine at the child has been caused by developmental anomaly, whether that there were you on consultation at genetics? At revealing a similar carriage of virus it is usual up to pregnancy metabolic therapy is spent and the diet is kept. And during pregnancy immunoglobulins are dripped.