Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstujte! At us 28 weeks. Sometimes on an equal place there is a feeling besp...

22.05.2004, 07:36
Zdravstujte! At us 28 weeks. Sometimes on an equal place there is a feeling of trouble, alarm. Can be any restful travki have a drink?

25.05.2004, 06:25
Feeling of alarm - the usual phenomenon for pregnant women with greater or big for or term. You can get rid of it or him and is spontaneous (both has appeared, and will disappear). And to drink, to ask purpose or appointment the doctor better. to. Happens, as medicines the some people are not forbidden, and happen and travki which should not be drunk.

28.05.2004, 06:08
Not at you one. Probably it is inherent in all pregnant women. I drink an extract of Valeriana in such cases. It is not harmful. And is better at this time switch the attention to the future kid, communicate to it or him, share the ideas and will calm down.