Просмотр полной версии : Hello, whether advise pravelno to me the doctor has picked up contraceptives. To me...

26.05.2004, 14:33
Hello, whether advise pravelno to me the doctor has picked up contraceptives. To me of 26 years At me the mastopathy (an initial stage) was a fibroma have removed a floor of year back now is not present, the appendage Is increased, there were 2 months vykidysh. Uzi in norm or rate. Garmonalnyj the status for 7 day of a cycle faza-(FF) Progesteronum 9, 2 nmol/l, FSG 12, 5/l, Testoteron 0, 9 nnmol/l, the Hydrocortisone 942 nmol/l, Prolactinum 224 mme/l, LG 2, 7 mme/l, Oestradiolum 115, 1 pg/ml, DGEF-with 2, 4 mkg/ml, 4 90, 0 nmol/l, 3 1, 5 nmol/l, over 4 12, 8 pg/ml, TTG 1, 2 mkme/ml. prpisali "JArin" it to me approaches or suits me? Thanks!!!

Malanova T.B.
28.05.2004, 01:33
You have not resulted or brought norm or rate of laboratory.