Просмотр полной версии : By accident (it is banal, but has torn the condom) has occured or happened not protected p...

22.05.2004, 00:07
By accident (it is banal, but has torn the condom) there was not protected sexual certificate or act. The fifth day after the beginning of a cycle (a cycle usually - 26 days). Thus of an ejaculation it was not immediate in a vagina. Through extremely short interval the girl has just in case washed out all water, and then a solution from a lemon juice and water. In 1, 5 hours has accepted 2 tablets Ovidona (method JUspe) and it is equal in 12 hours - two more (earlier hormonal preparations never accepted). Has passed or has taken place 2 days, and any vydeleny is not present (they in fact should be?). The test for pregnancy yet did not do or make (it or him it is really necessary to do or make now?). Prompt, whether that there is an occasion to worry and that it is necessary to make to sleep easy. How it is possible to find out - whether the girl is pregnant or not?

25.05.2004, 08:52
New "situation". Allocation vse-taki have gone or send (in 4 days) and there were approximately 2, 5 days. But literally today has occured or happened too most, and the ejaculation has occured or happened " directly in the purpose "; (Certainly postinor, method JUspe here already to use it is impossible, but the girl, not hesitating, prinela a hot bath. What probability of pregnancy? The last state of emergency was on May, 1st. Also it is possible for something to make?

26.05.2004, 00:15
And here... A delay of 11 days, and any simpotom expected monthly.

Though 3 days prior to expected "has begun" the stomach or belly hurted or was ill;was sick and were poor or scanty allocation.

Help or Assist what to do or make? To itself to address?

27.05.2004, 21:55
Has forgotten to tell or say, that during all time of a delay did or made tests. Different, all otrizatelnye.