Просмотр полной версии : Know the doctor, in occasion of your disapproval of my selftreatment. And that that vra...

26.05.2004, 00:08
Know the doctor, in occasion of your disapproval of my selftreatment. And that that doctors on complaints of pains in a bottom of a stomach or belly make a helpless gesture, speak that there all in norm or rate and it is an intestine, and the same day the bleeding opens, you approve it? And that that to me allow to become pregnant at such signs it approve? And that that in occasion of raised or increased Testosteron-Depotum the deserved doctor of Kuban has told or said to become pregnant, and if not that that that will be that address in hospital you approve? And that that for treatments to me medicines from which appointed or nominated me toshnilo, tore, the head was turned also I could not go along the street itself from such giddiness, and the doctor convinced that and should be... .eto approve? I can to result or bring a heap of such examples. They are doctors of the regional center, specialized clinics! You in Moscow also do not represent that here is created! When there was a stood pregnancy, know that the doctor has told or said? After long silence she has given out... You have afflicted me! And it during such moment when I went on cleaning, that ber-t was long-awaited, desired and it is more words of support! It in the best perinatalnom the center of edge or territory! What then to me to do or make? I to myself appoint or nominate All inspection, to doctors of business or affairs was not present before! And they then speak here well that has passed or has taken place it. And cannot prompt what to pass or take place, when? For all I search, I find, I inquire! And you do not approve! Thanks and on that! (((

Irtuganov N.S.
27.05.2004, 16:08
Dear Anna! I do not doubt at all, that your claims to attending physicians obosnovanny. But correspondence "treatment" has serious defects and at times breaks one of the basic medical precepts "do not do much harm". If you have serious doubts in qualification of your attending physicians then it is especially dangerous to be guided by their conclusions at inspections. Once again I shall repeat, I with comprehension concern to your proved claims to the doctors, but - former I consider or count, that remote, correspondence "treatment" can harm to your health