Просмотр полной версии : Hello. In me have found out urinoplazmoz and a candidiasis. To give birth or travail yet sob...

25.05.2004, 23:03
Hello. In me have found out urinoplazmoz and a candidiasis. To give birth or travail I am not going to yet. For treatment urinoplazmoza have appointed or nominated strong antibiotics to me and the partner, long lechenie-1 month, at the partner an allergy to antibiotics. Whether it is possible to replace with more sparing medicines and this illness or disease is how much serious? Whether can javljatsja a candidiasis a consequence urinoplazmoza?

Malanova T.B.
27.05.2004, 04:53
Term of antibacterial therapy it is usual 5 7, a maximum - 14 days, but not month. Under modern demands both are treated the partner. At chityvaja allergic reactions it is necessary for him to speak treatment with the urologist.