Просмотр полной версии : Whether tell or say the flu can cause an abortion for 21 weeks of pregnancy? Be...

26.05.2004, 10:54
Whether tell or say the flu can cause an abortion for 21 weeks of pregnancy? Pregnancy protikala it is very good, excepting a flu on 9 week. After an abortion have found out a clamidiosis, a mycoplasmosis and uraplazmoz, surveyed the husband - he is healthy. To me have told or said, what is it the unique reason. But neither up to pregnancy, nor during problems any nebylo. Whether could infect in hospital. A abortion proizoshol in a week after shevelenija, have begun whitish allocation, has come to hospital have told or said a fetal egg in a vagina. ITSN have excluded. Prompt iz-for what it there could be and what a probability sledushchego an abortion?

Pasenjuk A.M.
27.05.2004, 00:43
Not necessarily flu the reason of an abortion if there are so much infections! And how it is possible to exclude ITSN if without fights and tp shejka uteruses has revealed also fetal jaotso has lowered or omitted?! You should be protected not less than 6 mes, to treat infections, at following pregnancy constantly to supervise shejku uteruses and if necessary to impose seams on shejku uteruses