Просмотр полной версии : I for the husband 4 years proveralas at the doctor have told or said schto at me it's OK...

25.05.2004, 17:40
I for the husband 4 years proveralas at the doctor have told or said schto at me it's OK have checked up the husband at it or him such diagnosis
liquifaction <30
volume 2.4
color light yellow
consistency viscous
PH semen L 7.2
viable 68
progressive L 40
non-progressive 10
non-motile 50
sperm concentration 37
normal morphology 77
taper head 15
exces cyto 5
giant head 3
Y mena k vam vopros, kakoi shanc y mena zaberemeneti? I chto lychshe delati?
Zaranee cpacibo Lena

Malanova T.B.
26.05.2004, 22:10
I up to the extremity or end have not understood result spermogrammy. Ask the question in conference sterility or barrenness to doctor Kamenetskomu.