Просмотр полной версии : At me by results of the analysis in vlgalishche otsustvujut bifidobakterii and lakto...

25.05.2004, 02:04
At me by results of the analysis in vlgalishche otsustvujut bifidobakterii and laktobakterii.
As I understand, it is not so good. Whether there should be they? How them to return? From what could disappear? (antibiotics used about 15 years ago). I thank.

Malanova T.B.
26.05.2004, 21:47
Absolutely they should be absent, but their insufficient quantity or amount can be. So-called sanation of a vagina by specific preparations is spent. Descend or go on reception for selection of therapy. The reasons of their decrease can be different. On yours to the letter I cannot now something concrete assume.