Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Help or assist pozhalusta to pick up an agent of contraception. Business in that...

24.05.2004, 09:53
Hello! Help or assist pozhalusta to pick up an agent of contraception. The matter is that I had an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis, and later 5 years, I have given birth dochenku, that I am am disturbed by me have recovered, and to drink tablets I simply I am afraid, because there was already such experience from which I have very much recovered, I drank Marvelon, a spiral too have told or said to put it is impossible, at me have found erosion. Yes about erosion, whether it is possible to learn or find out from you, now speak there is its or her new way prezhiganija, liquid azatom, podskazhdite where it can be made, and how much or as far as it is morbid. In advance I thank you.

Soboleva L.I.
24.05.2004, 22:16
For the beginning - in occasion of erosion. As to cauterization by liquid nitrogen is really more sparing method. However, new it or him it is impossible to name in any way. If you novelties in treatment of erosion interest - there was a preparation "Solkovagin" which copes with this problem much more delicately. Where to address in such occasion depends on you are in what city.
After treatment at desire it is possible to put a spiral.
And now it is possible to try to be protected by the tablets which are not influencing weight. To them concern mini-drank or saw and nizkodozirovannye contraceptives, for example, mersilon, novinet.
If it would not be desirable it or this is then it is possible to use spermitsidy, condoms. How much or As far as it is convenient for you - solve. Success!

25.05.2004, 15:26
Many thanks, that have paid attention and have responded so quickly on wash a question. There, where I live offer or suggest such way prezhiganija erosions how the laser, it is morbid, and how long it is necessary to prepare for it or this? The question, izvenite has again turned out, that I take away from you time. If Could you respond please.

Soboleva L.I.
26.05.2004, 20:29
If the laser should be painlessly. In more detail, alas, I shall not tell or say. With the given method practically it is not familiar.
I think, that at horoshchih smears of special preparation it is not required.