Просмотр полной версии : I on the first month of pregnancy. At me periodically pojavljajutja attributes a floor...

25.05.2004, 05:33
I on the first month of pregnancy. At me periodically pojavljajutja attributes of sexual herpes: an itch and reddening. Despite of active application of ointment atsiklovir, these attributes on a place of the use disappear, but then appear in other place. What will you advise me? To make abortion? But it is my long-awaited pregnancy Really all all over and I shall lose it or him? Please not hiding tell or say the truth. CHe to me sdalat to save my health of the child? Thanks

Pasenjuk A.M.
26.05.2004, 14:50
It is not necessary to panic and do or make abortion. Make the analysis of a blood on immunoglobulins and spend treatment protivogerpeticheskim gammaglobulinom. For this purpose address in protivogerpetichesky the center on street Marhlevskogo (now miljutinsky per, the house 10, str 1)