Просмотр полной версии : Prompt! At me otchego-that the third day is incorporated in the morning (when I wake up)...

16.05.2004, 13:45
Prompt! At me otchego-that the third day in the morning (when I wake up) a stuffy nose. The rhinitis and another is not present something, when I rise, all passes or takes place. To us now almost 5 months. Can, someone had something similar or someone heard about it or this?

20.05.2004, 06:43
It is so-called " a rhinitis of pregnant women ". Will pass or take place after sorts or labors:) Appears iz-for hormonal reorganizations. Absolutely normal phenomenon, do not worry. Success to you!

24.05.2004, 05:11
Yes, precisely, at me each pregnancy such piece, then passes or takes place.

26.05.2004, 14:49
The reasons to experience are not present, completely agree with above written.
I now on 21 week, a nose am incorporated from first days of pregnancy (in the mornings).