Просмотр полной версии : Prompt who knows. 3 h the measured US is more harmful than usual or they approximately...

26.05.2004, 05:31
Prompt who knows. 3 h the measured US is more harmful than usual or they are approximately identical? Whether has sense to do or make 3 h measured? Whether not so it is dangerous to the child? Thanks

26.05.2004, 13:59
I too face to this problem to do or make it or him or not. But most likely I shall make. In honey. Center Art-honey it or him do or make, and it or he can be made both at the usual doctor, and at the candidate of sciences in the field of fetal development of children. On their site it is written, what is it harmlessly. Asked other doctors, they have told or said too, that is harmless (the novee the apparatus, the more protection). But thus I called in Art-honey, to me have told or said, that the usual US all over again is spent to look or see vnutr. Organs of the child, and then at will it is possible to add inspection 3 h with the measured gauge better to look or see the child externally. All this write down on a videocassette for parents and also the information on the child (its or his organs) for doctors (only it will cost more expensively). And you do not know, where still it or he can be made, except for as in Art-honey? It would be desirable to have alternative to find out in advance and to compare.