Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. To me 52 years. In February, 2001 it has been made operatsi...

24.05.2004, 23:23
Hello, the doctor. To me 52 years. In February, 2001 operation on excision of a hysteromyoma has been made. Ovaries and shejka uteruses are left. Now at me the left ovary (the sizes 585261), and right by the size up to 20 is increased. The doctor has told or said, that the left ovary needs to be removed. Prompt please where it is possible to perform operation not cavitary and how much it can cost? Thankful in advance for the answer.

26.05.2004, 10:06
What for 52 h to the years or summer woman to delete a uterus and to leave ovaries??? Then to perform one more operation on excision of ovaries??? Doctors absolutely sadists and swines?? Not clearly!!!