Просмотр полной версии : Good evening. poskazhite what to do or make. At me already it is a lot of years chronic adnes...

25.05.2004, 12:45
Good evening. poskazhite what to do or make. At me already it is a lot of years chronic adnesit. I not time passed or took place various courses of treatments, but without any special results. Recently, at me have found out ureaplasmas with mycoplasmas, and in the husband trehomanady. The doctor has appointed or nominated to me treatment in which enters: tsikloferon, rovametsin, oksigrissant, metrogil.
Couple of days back, I have very strongly fallen asleep, at me nachilis strong pains in a bottom of a stomach or belly, nachilis plentiful vodenistye allocation with a pungent smell of liquid ammonia. I strongly was frightened, t. To. At me never such was. Next day, after that, I have begun course of treatment which to me was registered before by the doctor. But at me not only nothing has passed or has taken place, and in additives still became very strongly lomit joints. Prompt, what is it can be, and what to me to do or make?
P. S. I do not suffer alergijami and almost all preporaty perenashu is good.

Pasenjuk A.M.
26.05.2004, 04:54
Plentiful watery allocation can be at oporozhnenii a hydrosalpinx - those a clump of a liquid in a uterine pipe, it is characteristic for a salpingitis caused or called by a ureaplasma. Unfortunately, for one day nothing passes or takes place - course of treatment is necessary. Joint pains - reaction to reception strong immunostimuljatorov. Visit or attend once again the doctor for survey.