Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To me 23 years. I wish to plan pregnancy. 1) what doctor...

23.05.2004, 17:21
Hello. To me 23 years. I wish to plan pregnancy. 1) what doctors and what analyses it is necessary to hand over to conceive the healthy child? 2) and also I heard that is necessary 2 3 months prior to conception to accept vitamins. Whether so it and should be accepted what vitamins? And me and the husband? Thanks. 3) if in day of conception or 2 3 days prior to this day we sluchajnjo shall drink a champagne (on the occasion of a holiday) it is better to interrupt pregnancy or in it or this are not present no trouble? Respond please to 3 questions and thanks big to you.

25.05.2004, 18:16
Vick if to you will respond, the huge request: throw off to me the answer on xxelle@inbox. ru or icq 233309599.
In advance thanks!!!

25.05.2004, 20:26
Nado vam obratitsya k ginekologu s prosboi proiti obsledovanie, t. k. planiruete beremennost. Obychno sdaut mazok na moche-polovye infektsii. Krov na immunoglobulin, zheltuhu, rezus, na krasnuhu i dr. zabolevaniya. Vrach sam opredelit kakie nuzhno sdat analizy posle besedy s vami.
2. Vitaminy - mozhno uzhe vam nachat pit folievuu kislotu 400 mg v den. I obyazatelno kompleks vitaminov i mineralov. Muzh mozhet tozhe pit, esli u nego nedostatochno sbalansirovannoe pitanie, no eto ne obyazatelno, t. k. vynashivat rebenka vam.
3. Esli vy ne stradaete alkogolizmom, to 2 3 bokala shampanskogo ne povredyat. Glavnoe ne pit vo vremya beremnnosti.
Udachi. I dovertes samoi prirode. Beremennost-eto prirodnyi naturanyi protsess.