Просмотр полной версии : Almost I accept two years 35 under the doctor's instruction after transferred or carried...

25.05.2004, 01:22
Almost I accept two years 35 under the doctor's instruction after the transferred or carried abortion. poslednii 4 5 months the beginning vydeleny occurs or happens only after plentiful use No-SHpy. After abortion I had that that similar, doctors have told or said that there is no reduction of a uterus and registered what that nyxes what to cause or call krovjannye allocation. Whether my present status can is connected too with not reduction of a uterus and what to make in such days.

Maljarskaja M.M.
25.05.2004, 05:05
That you do or make - to drink No-shpu and 6. shejki uteruses + fishing from yvskablivanija - it is necessary to expand or dilate a spastic stricture.