Просмотр полной версии : Whether prompt, please, can the reason nenastuplenija pregnancy show...

23.05.2004, 03:10
Whether prompt, please, can the reason nenastuplenija pregnancy be what the ootid is impregnated or fertilized, but cannot cling to a cavity of the uterus? If yes, as it is possible to reveal and solve this problem?

Kamenetskij B.A.
24.05.2004, 14:07
Such situation be valid can at disturbances endometrija (an internal environment of a uterus) One of a method of definition of similar disturbances is the diagnostic hysteroscopy.

Rabaev S.G.
24.05.2004, 22:27
In addition to told or said. Such situation is possible or probable at various endocrine disturbances. Will reveal eiti disturbances probably at hormonal research.