Просмотр полной версии : The doctor! 1. Tell as raschitat approximate date of sorts or labors, if I tochn...

23.05.2004, 18:00
The doctor! 1. Tell as raschitat approximate date of sorts or labors if I precisely know day when we with the husband were not protected (whether I do not know it it is possible to consider or count this day as day of conception). 2. In maternity homes before sorts or labors koljat a background (hexestrol). How much or as far as this preparation is effective (whether there is a real advantage or benefit). To agree or refuse its or his application?

The anonym
24.05.2004, 10:30
How much or As far as I remember in our maternity home Sinestrolum pricked all it is universal or without exception. For preparation for sorts or labors, spoke that prepares shejku uteruses for disclosing, does or makes ostensibly by its or her more elastic and strong breaks should not be... .my in it of type believed.
And then I have read through to it or him;them the summary and to me it became terrible, there is Sinestrolum is counter-indicative at pregnancy. The question for what arises then it or him pricked? To accelerate labors?
Here it also remains secret.
The truth pricked it or him together with any medicine. .uzhe I do not remember precisely

Pasenjuk A.M.
24.05.2004, 21:51
It is impossible to calculate absolutely precisely day of sorts or labors because it is impossible precisely it is necessary to find out how much poldu for maturing (it or this do not know even at EKO when minute of conception know!!!).
TO REFUSE Sinestrolum or not - your right, but it is desirable to prick if have passed or have taken place all rasschetnye terms of sorts or labors and / or the child suffers fetally (Sinestrolum accelerates nasteplenie sorts or labors, softens shejku uteruses but to prick it or him it is necessary with no-shpa or a papaverine)