Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor. Tell or Say, whether it is possible to spend syringing on 13 j to week...

The novel
23.05.2004, 06:25
The dear doctor.
Tell or Say, whether it is possible to spend syringing on 13 j to week?
At my wife the following situation - has just left hospital where laid two weeks on conservation. Before some days spent treatment - terzhinan and syringing (the analysis on a mycoplasma positive, is errozija). Has flowed out what that a liquid and the doctor has told or said that urgently in hospital - there treated, have told or said terzhinan to stop, syringing is natural too, the diagnosis - threat of an abortion, a high tonus of a uterus - treatment Noshpa, a papaverine, vitamins..., a pastel regimen.
After an extract - a status satisfactory but to continue treatment, have left the open sick-list. After homing to the doctor he has again appointed or nominated Terzhinan and syringing, has left noshpu and vitamins... Has replaced.... Thus he has closed a hospital leaf or sheet - t. e. Now my wife goes on job and there is only one output or exit to keep a quiet regimen is uvolnjatsja - t. e. As a matter of fact for two years to remain without job. The doctor has told or said - " if it is not pleasant as I fly or treat can go to other doctor. Here you did or made paid analyses - there platno and are treated "
Vobshchem, the basic question - whether it is necessary to renew syringing and to accept terzhinan (Now term of 13 weeks) and what to do or make with the sick-list.
Thankful in advance for the answer.

24.05.2004, 14:53
Excuse, I not the doctor, therefore, as to preparations cannot recommend that... And here precisely I know one, that at such situation, the doctor has not the right to close the sick-list if the pregnant woman speaks, that unimportantly itself feels, to her are obliged to give the sick-list... You can demand change of the doctor legally! I have stayed for all first pregnancy on the sick-list, and now in second time 6 months too I prolong the bulletin though a status satisfactory, but rest is recommended, and what rest can be at job, in fact to it or her still to reach it is necessary... Success to you!