Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At my wife already during several months occurs or happens n...

21.05.2004, 00:08
Hello! My wife already during several months has a consensual allocation from a vagina of the certain colorless liquid which are practically not having a smell as during a dream (less often), and in the afternoon (basically) under our assumptions (my-vrachi-), it it is forensic scientists vulval or vaginal greasing. However the confidence is not present, in this connection it would be desirable to ask you: what is it in general can be and how to us to act or arrive what to remove or take off all questions?

Thankful in advance, Alexey.

Malanova T.B.
24.05.2004, 12:16
At the woman it is obligatory to eat always allocation. Let the wife will hand over smears, will visit on reception. I think, all in norm or rate.