Просмотр полной версии : Tatyana September, 16th 2003 13 : 21 : 49 The dear doctor! What is the time n...

23.05.2004, 01:42
Tatyana September, 16th 2003 13 : 21 : 49

The dear doctor! What is the time it is necessary to be protected after a laparoscopy if the myoma has been removed from a uterus? Also what it is necessary to do or make further? The Diet? Can be it is impossible lift serious? Thanks in advance for the answer.

Malanova T.B. September, 16th 2003 14 : 13 : 23
If pregnancy is not necessary to you to be protected all time (as and abortions to you are not necessary to pregnancy). If there is a question on pregnancy - that month 3. And regenerative fiziolechenie to you spent???
Tatyana September, 16th 2003 17 : 15 : 20

Dear doctor Malanova..! After operation I accepted a physiotherapy a course (10) quartz therapy and a course (10) elektrofarez. The doctor has told or said that more nothing is necessary, but I accepted "Immunal". And what you can advise fiziolechenie still? Or it is enough of this all? I already drink 3 months " Diane-35 ". Pregnancy is necessary to me very much. Thanks you huge for the answer.

Malanova T.B.
24.05.2004, 00:32
By the description, you have received a course raneej a regenerative physiotherapy. Further tactics depends on terms of putting off or taking out of contraception. After carrying out of a regenerative course of a physiotherapy (what I take or spend - 30 procedures), the period of an after-action when the patient is necessarily protected, makes 2 3 months. If you have this time - come. Phone - 438 23 44 Malanova Tatyana Borisovna.