Просмотр полной версии : Dear Boris Aleksandrovich! All of you give such thoughtful answers, can...

23.05.2004, 02:39
Dear Boris Aleksandrovich! All of you give such thoughtful answers, can also to me will help or assist. One year ago in occasion of sterility or barrenness passed or took place inspection at which have found out in a smear of a chlamydia. At the husband of anything. We vse-peerly together were treated. The smear after treatment has shown negative result. After that has passed or has taken place GSG, pipes are passed or taken place;passable. But nevertheless pregnancy does not come. Yesterday has again handed over the analysis on all to an infection. In a blood have found out chlamydias. At the husband again all is pure or clean. Whence at me again this infection? Sexual partners on the party or side we have no, yes it and is not permissible at such huge desire to have children. If now to pass or take place again treatment when it is possible to become pregnant? I have already despaired, it seems to me so all life and I shall be treated for these or it zdoschasnyh chlamydias. Thanks that have read up up to the extremity or end. I wait for your comments.

Kamenetskij B.A.
23.05.2004, 18:59
Olga! We shall begin that in a blood at you chlamydias have found out not, and antibodies to them. Considering, that you have transferred or carried hlamidijnuju an infection, occurrence of antibodies in a blood is the natural fact (the antiserum capacity is important). Now all depends on that as these results your treating vrachem will be interpreted. And in general in your case I would recommend you to make CROP on a chlamydia, so far as you so this question interests. As if to inspection in occasion of sterility or barrenness I think year it is already sufficient term for statement of the diagnosis and the beginning of treatment. If it not so, can it is meaningful reflect on a place in which you pass or take place inspection??? Yours faithfully
To. M. n. B.Kamenetsky
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