Просмотр полной версии : Whether the man after opened or open cherpno-cerebral trvmy can (accepts fenobarbit...

16.05.2004, 03:05
Whether the man after opened or open cherpno-cerebral trvmy (accepts Fenobarbitalum) can and the transferred or carried insult to conceive the healthy child. Whether attacks which can be passed by right of succession have arisen after CHMT, whether can affect or influence a fetus proinjatie Fenobarbitalum. Up to CHMT the man had no what or deviations or rejections, and nassledstvennyh diseases.

19.05.2004, 16:07
Yes he can conceive the healthy child. Available signs by right of succession are not passed

21.05.2004, 11:09
All will be excellent or different! At us too such daddy:-). About Fenobarbitalum, the truth, I do not know, my husband prinima Finlepsinum + Clonazepamum at the moment of conception. To the child 15 months, all is remarkable, thanks God.

21.05.2004, 15:40
Tanik! I am very glad for you, grow greater or big clever and beautiful

23.05.2004, 17:34
At us the same situation, Masju we wait nedelki through two, consulted in this occasion at corresponding or meeting experts, have told or said, that if disease got to pass on nasledsvu it or him it is impossible!!!