Просмотр полной версии : In the middle of a cycle have unexpectedly gone or send unexpectedly extraordinary monthly (on a background of reception of Measures...

23.05.2004, 00:24
In the middle of a cycle have unexpectedly gone or send unexpectedly extraordinary monthly (on a background of reception Mersilona, I accept the third month after cleaning a uterus, cleaning has passed or has taken place successfully, without complications). Monthly go already 4 yj day, but I continue to accept Mersilon. Whether it is connected with Mersilonom? (before occurrence of a bleeding in me there was a strong overwork at job - it role) can also has played? The Doctor, whether respond, please, there is an occasion for trouble or it goes adaptation of an organism to Mersilonu?

Maljarskaja M.M.
23.05.2004, 15:42
It is more likely connected with pereutomlniem + summer, the active sun. To you nzhno (if a bleeding strong as during menses) to drink on tablet Mesilona each 2 hours while the bleeding will not stop, and then again on 1 tablet in day, most likely, more vysokodozirovannogo Marvelona (up to the extremity or end of a habitual cycle)