Просмотр полной версии : Dear Irina Borisovna! Year I suffer strong monthly and botched work. US on...

17.05.2004, 01:36
Dear Irina Borisovna! Year I suffer strong monthly and botched work. US for 7 day of a cycle has shown, that at me an internal endometriosis. The gynecologist has appointed or nominated Djufaston 10 in day to 14 25 day of a cycle and vitamins Triavit within 6 months. Has bought or purchased yesterday Djufaston, and other dosage there is specified at treatment of an endometriosis. What will advise? Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
18.05.2004, 19:14
Djufaston at all the best variant of treatment of an endometriosis. It is a variant of treatment for poverty.

21.05.2004, 08:31
Irina Borisovna! You would appoint or nominate What treatment? Addressed to several gynecologists. One advises antibiotics, another at all does not advise to treat. Please, advise something. I trust you.

Malanova T.B.
23.05.2004, 00:24
If the diagnosis the ENDOMETRIOSIS about any antibiotics speech does not go. Hormonal treatment is used only. However and for it or him there should be indications as spending treatment of an endometriosis, we operate or work and on a liver where hormones are inactivated. There are variants and applications of physical factors, here practically there are no by-effects. But no treatment in absentia is appointed or nominated.