Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Whether tell or say, please, the overdosage of vitamins threatens: at...

22.05.2004, 06:52
Good afternoon! Whether tell or say, please, the overdosage of vitamins threatens: at pregnancy everyone try bolee-to eat less well, moreover and vitamins in addition to accept. In particular, I accept vitrum for beremnnyh, a gland in itself already 300 % of day time norm or rate (in one tabletochke). It can something be fraught?
2. Many in addition accept those or other preparations of a calcium. It is necessary for all or necessary kak-to learn or find out that, it is required or not?
In advance thanks.

Oshchepkova S.R.
22.05.2004, 21:32
1. Vitamins can be not accepted in the summer and in September, further they are necessary. 2. A calcium to accept from 20 weeks.