Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Whether tell or say, please, there are any preparations, with which...

The anonym
19.05.2004, 10:44
Hello! Whether tell or say, please, there are any preparations with which can use for prevention of pregnancy after fulfilment of the sexual certificate or act? If "yes", what and through how much hours (day) after the sexual certificate or act their use can be effective?
The matter is that my gynecologist has told or said, that I cannot become pregnant now, t. To. I can remain without children. But the last night I was engaged in sex. I would like to be assured or confident on 100 %, that pregnancy will not be.
I pass or take place course of treatment. At me one ovary "sleeps", and the second works "incorrectly". The doctor has registered to me dostineks, djufoston and deksometazon. What to me to do or make? Thankful in advance.

Malanova T.B.
22.05.2004, 19:28
On a background of spent treatment you cannot use other hormones which are applied to emergency contraception.