Просмотр полной версии : Girls, prompt please, advice or council in a delicate problem. At me the second...

09.05.2004, 19:31
Girls, prompt please, advice or council in a delicate problem.
At me the second pregnancy (8 weeks) constipations also have begun, I think from them many suffer.
In breaks between beremennostjami (4 years) I became priverzhenkoj the Healthy way of life, and did or made weekly cleansing enemas. Now, having read through in the "clever" book, has understood, what it or this during pregnancy to do or make it is impossible and how to be? Then begin skopljatsja harmful substances which harm to the kid, and the weight starts to increase or be enlarged.

12.05.2004, 08:23
Try or Taste a national agent, should help or assist: 5 berries of prunes and 5 berries of dried apricots for the night fill in with 1 glass of boiled water in a thermos. In the morning as you will wake up, drink a liquid, I think that at desire too it is possible to eat berries.

14.05.2004, 11:08
Thanks for the answer, but unfortunately, in a similar way I already eat, as have learned or have found out about pregnancy and not so helps or assists. And even berries ate.
Therefore already I try to find other alternative ways.

17.05.2004, 01:44
Understand, the Belief, mechanical influence on an intestine during a clyster harms to the child even more. And that them do or make to women in bolnitsah-a parameter of desperate poverty and ignorance of alternative decisions. Vo-the first, it is a diet. If the natural preparation on the basis of a lactulose does not help or assist, that is Djufalak, I drink it or him, because constipations since the childhood, and during beremennosti-impenetrable. As to weight, a clyster, as a slimming aid - not an output or exit. narushetsja electrolytic balance of an intestine. It is lost bifidoflora. Even for once a week natural motility of an intestine. Harmful substances voobshche-that are deduced or removed, and not only clysters. Otherwise we here all have died. And all children would be poisoned by them. The matter is that I have passed or have taken place through addicting for clysters and hardly now I disentangle consequences besides scientifically proved proof of advantage or benefit of clysters, at a level above, than Malakhov, I did not meet.

20.05.2004, 23:19
Understand, the Belief, mechanical influence on an intestine during a clyster harms to the child even more. And that them do or make to women in bolnitsah-a parameter of desperate poverty and ignorance of alternative decisions. Vo-the first, it is a diet. If the natural preparation on the basis of a lactulose does not help or assist, that is Djufalak, I drink it or him, because constipations since the childhood, and during beremennosti-impenetrable. As to weight, a clyster, as a slimming aid - not an output or exit. narushetsja electrolytic balance of an intestine. It is lost bifidoflora. Even for once a week natural motility of an intestine. Harmful substances voobshche-that are deduced or removed, and not only clysters. Otherwise we here all have died. And all children would be poisoned by them. The matter is that I have passed or have taken place through addicting for clysters and hardly now I disentangle consequences besides scientifically proved proof of advantage or benefit of clysters, at a level above, than Malakhov, I did not meet.

22.05.2004, 17:59
Bolshle thanks, for detailed and, galvnoe, the proved answer. I shall try to accept a preparation.