Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, And not having waited the answer to the question from June, 19th, de...

22.05.2004, 04:14
The dear doctor,
And not having waited the answer to the question from June, 19th, I do or make one more attempt.
Duration of gestation of 16 weeks. In urine traces of fiber and any bacterium are found out. How much or As far as it is serious and what it is necessary to do or make? My doctor of anything intelligible has not told or said.

Pasenjuk A.M.
22.05.2004, 17:50
Excuse, that the answer is detained. Ukaznnoe it is characteristic for a pyelonephritis of pregnant women. This serious complication, to you is desirable to repeat the analysis wet + the analysis wet on nechiporenko + US of kidneys + the analysis wet on a bacteriuria + consultation of the urologist (personal)