Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Me have directed on prophylactic medical examination, but I wish to become pregnant...

19.05.2004, 13:46
The dear doctor! Me have directed on prophylactic medical examination, but I wish to become pregnant and at me now just the middle of a cycle. Whether it is possible to do or make in 2 phase of a menstrual cycle of roentgens of lungs and inoculations from a tetanus and diphtherias? How much or As far as I understand, the roentgen is impossible and if to make it or him in 1 phase of a following cycle - whether it is necessary to be protected the whole cycle? And about inoculations my therapist could not respond me, whether they at vozmodnoj are harmful to pregnancy or not? Prompt, please, that it is possible to hand over, and what is not present? Thanks!

Malanova T.B.
20.05.2004, 07:02
If you now remove or take out contraception, that, naturally, about any similar actions speech does not go. In the first phase of a cycle (up to 8 days) a roentgenophotography to do or make it is possible.

21.05.2004, 23:20
Thanks for the answer! And how to act or arrive with privikami? Them too it is impossible?

Malanova T.B.
22.05.2004, 15:55
Yes, too it is not necessary to do or make inoculations. Or to postpone pregnancy for 1 2 cycles.