Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, tell or say please, whether it is obligatory in Time of an ovulation extended with...

21.05.2004, 04:58
The doctor, tell or say please, whether it is obligatory in
Time of an ovulation the extended slime? The matter is that for 15 day of a cycle the test for an ovulation becomes obviously positive (a control line more brightly, than the basic), and slime neither in that nor next day I do not find and I do not feel. Thanks in advance for the answer.

Kamenetskij B.A.
21.05.2004, 23:25
" The matter is that for 15 day of a cycle the test for an ovulation becomes obviously positive (a control line more brightly, than the basic " and it or this is enough to assume day of an ovulation. It will be possible to tell or say only after carrying out uz-monitoring of an ovulation more precisely.