Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I often have a thrush (on the average 2 times a year) I pe...

20.05.2004, 14:01
Hello! I often have a thrush (on the average 2 times a year) I pereprobyvala various preparations: suppositories of Clotrimazolum and pimafutsina, polizhenaks, Nistatinum, Trichopolum, and also various sprintsivanija. Paralelno course of treatment there passed or there took place also my husband. However illness or disease pereodicheski renews, really it is impossible to get rid of it or her for ever? Thankful in advance for the answer.

Oshchepkova S.R.
21.05.2004, 22:57
The reasons of a candidiasis often are secondary. It is necessary to exclude presence of other infections. As the reason of a candidiasis can be gastritises, colitises (to be surveyed at the therapist or gasteroenterologa), allergies - to the allergist. At mycotic affections not necessarily disease causes kandida (the majority of preparations are directed on treatment of a candidiasis), there are also other mushrooms.