Просмотр полной версии : Tatyana Borisovna! One of these days asked You about necessity of check on ZPP...

19.05.2004, 13:36
Tatyana Borisovna! One of these days asked
You about necessity of check on ZPPP
Before planned pregnancy.
You have told or said, that never there are no 100 % of a guarantee.
Certainly, I shall follow to your advice or council and
I shall necessarily hand over analyses (by the way,
How such research is called?),
But nevertheless with curiosity wished to ask-
Unless from the name - ZPPP-
Does not follow, that in some cases
It is possible to be illness or disease assured of absence,
When for example partners each other the first
And to this day unique? Or ZPPP
Are passed NOT ONLY sexual by?
What else there is an opportunity of penetration
Infections and why then such name?
Explain please. Thankful in advance.

Malanova T.B.
21.05.2004, 19:32
It is simple the name. All the infections entering in ZPPP, concern to uslovno-to pathogenic flora, that is are present and at normal flora only in very small concentration. Their display can be provoked by the transferred or carried catarrhal diseases, depression of immunity. Truly venereal diseases are the lues, a gonorrhea, trihomoniaz.