Просмотр полной версии : Tell, please about the reason of occurrence and about the disease under on...

16.05.2004, 14:35
Tell, please about the reason of occurrence and about the disease under the name bleach. Than it threatens and as it is possible to cure in house conditions, without the reference or manipulation to the doctor.

The anonym
17.05.2004, 06:55
Bleach - excessive or unusual on character of allocation from a vagina (molochno-white, zhelto-green, sanious, liquid or dense, having has begun to smell, etc.), A causing itch, a burning sensation and constant sensation of humidity. Unlike physiological allocation from a vagina not plentiful, light. Usually they do not cause or cause a boring of a skin and a mucosa of genitals, the quantity or amount vydeleny increases a little or is a little enlarged before a menses, during pregnancy and in the postnatal or puerperal period, and at girls - during puberty. The women keeping rules of personal hygiene, do not feel these or it vydeleny. often appear at various gynecologic (for example, an adnexitis, a vulvitis, a colpitis) and other diseases. They can arise at a ptosis stenok vaginas, breaks of a perineum, syringing by the concentrated antiseptic solutions, long wearing of uterine rings, long application of chemical contraceptives, at developments of stagnation in the organs of a basin caused by constipations and an inactive way of life, disturbance of rules of personal hygiene.

The anonym
18.05.2004, 15:40
Whether and it is possible to reduce these or it cherezchur plentiful allocation if they are not caused or called any zabolivaniem? If analyses have shown nothing except for " a little the number of leucocytes " is increased

The anonym
19.05.2004, 14:52
And here I do not know it or this ((((((((((((sorri

20.05.2004, 23:45
The lovely girl! If bleach disturb, it is necessary to address necessarily to the doctor and peresdat mazochki. Simply so, without diseases, the young girl of it or this does not feel. Be not afraid and visit or attend of the doctor internally, success!

21.05.2004, 14:38
Little bit increased number lejkotsitov-it already an inflammation. At many very strong bleach happen in the middle of a cycle, it is connected with an ovulation and is not a pathology, trubujushchej treatments

21.05.2004, 19:05
Addressed to the doctor, even to different. And analyses handed over. Batposev has shown - purely or cleanly. The usual smear too has found nothing ((
Vrach one has made a helpless gesture, another has told or said that the thrush precisely is not present also plentiful allocation happen at the some people, a pier normally.
But pochemu-that not seems to me what is it normally... And not ochen-that is pleasant... Even already also I do not know what to do or make

I heard that the chronic inflammation in zheludochno-an intestinal tract can what that in the image on it to affect or influence, and to explain augmentation of leucocytes. Whether know the truth it and whether probably such?