Просмотр полной версии : Zravstvujte! My name is Natasha. To me of 17 years. Already I am more than year accept p...

20.05.2004, 17:15
My name is Natasha. To me of 17 years.
Already I am more than year accept contraceptive tablets "Triziston", and no problems arose.
More weeks ago at me bleedings (in the middle of a cycle) hardly have begun, than at monthly more weakly.
First the blood was almost black color and a dense consistence, after like has accepted normal color and a kind.
I have stopped to accept tablets in some days after the beginning of bleedings, but they
Five proceeded even days.
Monthly at me not plentiful 5 days also proceed.
Prompt please why it has occured or happened? Whether it is necessary me to accept these tablets more?
And more. Whether I when I shall stop to accept these tablets if during reception of a preparation weight can recover
Remained in norm or rate?

Irtuganov N.S.
21.05.2004, 18:08
Dear Natalia! No, does not follow, the weight to change should not. Visit or attend the doctor.