Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Very much, I ask to understand. At my parents group III..

Masha 25 l
17.05.2004, 21:26
Good afternoon!
Very much, I ask to understand.
At my parents group of a blood III (B) + and II (B) positive, and umenja group of a blood III B (-).
Why at me a negative rhesus?
Also that such a heterozygosis.
Whether and more there can be at me problems with vynashivaemostju pregnancy, t. To. At the husband group of a blood And (II) +.
Thanks big, for answers.

19.05.2004, 01:04
At the first beremenosti from a rhesus positive men of problems can not be.

20.05.2004, 16:48
Masha, absolutely normally, that at you negative group of a blood. At us with the husband a floor., and at the second synuli-otr. He all perezhivl in this occasion, but now considers or counts, what is it fine, in fact it is less than such people, only 15 percent or interests. Here in occasion of vynashivaemosti can be and problems, but now it decided and to experience it is not necessary, main vo-time to visit or attend the doctor. Happiness and success!

21.05.2004, 18:01
Thanks for support. Success!