Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! I accept Silest as a contraceptive 4 years, and he me...

18.05.2004, 04:58
Good afternoon! I accept Silest as a contraceptive 4 years, and he arranges me all. But two weeks ago I have got in hospital with a stone in a kidney where me treated (successfully) antibiotics, grasses and a physiotherapy (an amplipulse and something or something else). As a result at me have begun monthly in spite of the fact that in pack Silesta there were 2 more tablets. This very day I did not begin to drink the next tablet, and in the put 7 days have begun a new pack. Now at me (for the third day of reception of tablets) have appeared small smearing allocation, iz-for what it seems to me, that tablets operate or work not completely effectively, t. To. The usual cycle of reception of a preparation has been brought down. Prompt, please, as to me to accept Silest further and since what moment the contraceptive effect will completely be restored and it will be possible to not be reinsured? And in general, whether it is necessary to change from time to time oral contraceptives (or to do or make a break in their reception) even if they arrange (about it or this met different opinions)? About itself: 23 years, married, beremennostej were not.

Soboleva L.I.
20.05.2004, 17:53
Hello! Apply a preparation under the scheme or plan, within 10 days be protected by in addition barrier agents, whether then it is desirable to make US and to find out the ootid is blocked. Necessity for change of a contraceptive or breaks is not present, if he approaches or suits you. Simply time it is necessary to go to half a year on survey to the gynecologist.

21.05.2004, 11:50
Tell or Say, please, and whether it is possible to be without US assured or confident what the following cycle of reception of tablets will be safe? I am sorry for persistence, but the schedule of job to me does not allow to find time for US, and at the gynecologist I and so was shortly before illness or disease.