Просмотр полной версии : Nobody collided or faced with concept " retro-a uterus " / zakinutaja nazad/?...

16.05.2004, 05:29
Nobody collided or faced with concept " retro-a uterus " / zakinutaja nazad/?

16.05.2004, 20:50
When I zaberemennela the second child, on the first survey on an armchair, the doctor have told or said, that at me the uterus was in wrong position " retro-a uterus ". He it is simple udevilsja, potomuchto zaberemenit with such uterus very difficultly. That is necessary what special positions of a body at sex. And I zaberemennela from the first.

17.05.2004, 17:41
At me from the first visiting the gynecologist has been diagnosed " retrofleksia uteruses ", it is a bend of a uterus kzadi. Simply anatomic feature. .zaberemenela from the first attempt and pregnancy on has "hurrah passed or has "hurrah taken place!! And special position - to lift legs or foots for 5 10 minutes after sex

21.05.2004, 08:22
Thanks, girls!:) have encouraged. And that as that I was loaded too.