Просмотр полной версии : Z-oh the test for 18 week AFP = 74, 3 ME/l (norm or rate 22 95) a median 38, 5 HGCH =...

The anonym
19.05.2004, 14:33
Z-oh the test for 18 week AFP = 74, 3 ME/l (norm or rate 22 95) a median 38, 5
HGCH = 101208 mme/ml norm or rate 4720 80100 median 20196 HGCH rasschetnyj koef. 4, 66 MOM norm or rate 0, 5 2 individual. Age risk pohgch 1 : 63 cut off 1 : 380
Theelol over =12, 0 nmol/l 18 19 ned. A median 9, 39
What can you tell or say about RAISED or INCREASED HGCH? Program EKO, .s respect Hope

21.05.2004, 06:59
Probably there is a disturbance of a placental blood flow, but it is better prokosultirovatsja with genetikom. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-the endocrinologist the expert on sterility or barrenness and conducting patients and pregnant women with high risk Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.