Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Prompt me, please, to understand in developed situatsi...

18.05.2004, 12:13
Hello! Prompt me, please, to understand in the circumstances. In connection with problems with conception and the appeared botched work for a week prior to the beginning of monthly (has begun in July) I have addressed to the gynecologist. By results of survey and the US have diagnosed me an endometriosis 1 2 st, have appointed or nominated to hand over the analysis of a blood on hormones and to take basal temperature. Results of the analysis (15.): progesteron-3, 7/ml (norm or rate 4 25), estradiol-201, 6/ml (norm or rate 70 250), FSG-15, 7/ml (norm or rate 5 20). Basal temperature: 1. ts-36, 5; 2 36, 6; 3 36, 7; 4, 5 36, 6; 6, 7 36, 4; 8 36, 5; 9 36, 4; 10, 11 36, 2; 12, 13 36, 3; 14 36, 1; 15 36, 4; 16 36, 2; 17 36, 0; 18 36, 4; 19 36, 5; 20, 21 36, 6; 22 36, 9; 23, 24, 25 37, 0; 26 36, 6; 27, 28 37, 0; 29 37, 2; 30 37, 3; 31 37, 1; 32 37, 2. On the basis of these data the doctor has told or said, that the ovulation at me does not occur or happen and has appointed or nominated to accept Danol with 7 on 24 d. ts in current 3 h month Also has told or said, that is rather probable, that for this time I shall become pregnant. In last cycle I accepted Danol and I am am confused with what now became the schedule of basal temperature: 1. ts-36, 5; 2, 3 36, 4; 4 36, 3; 5 36, 7; 6, 7 36, 4; 8 36, 5; 9 36, 3; 10 36, 6; 11 36, 1; 12, 13 36, 6; 14 36, 5; 15 36, 6; 16 36, 5; 17, 18 36, 6; 19 36, 5; 20, 21, 22 36, 6; 23, 24, 25 36, 5; 26 36, 3; 27, 28 36, 4; 29 36, 5; 30 36, 1; 31 36, 3. The cycle still proceeds also sensations, that soon should come or step monthly, is not present absolutely. Besides with 17 on 25. ts was botched work. In this connection I had questions: 1) Unless in the first cycle at me was not an ovulation? 2) whether there was an ovulation during reception Danola (whether probably it in general)? 3) whether my situation from reception of this medicine has worsened or it is normal temperature at reception Danola?

Pasenjuk A.M.
19.05.2004, 17:28
1 In the first cycle otmechalast a failure ljuteinovoj phases. It is corrected or adjusted by reception of Progestinums.
2. During reception Danola (danazola, danovana, ovulations CAN not be, because one of mechanisms of action of a preparation this oppression of activity of ovaries and inhibition of an ovulation, therefore about pregnancy on a background danola even speeches cannot be.
3. For reception Danola it is normal rectal temperature, she should be monophasic.

Oshchepkova S.R.
21.05.2004, 01:04
1. there is a failure of 2 phases of a cycle, but the ovulation was. 2. At reception DANOLA of an ovulation was not is a norm or rate at its or his reception, t. To. There is a suppression of an ovulation. 3. To estimate or appreciate reception of preparation DANOL it is necessary only a minimum after 3 - 6 months of reception.