Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me after a hysteroscopy began to go before monthly (day for...

20.05.2004, 01:13
Hello! At me after a hysteroscopy began to go before monthly (day for 3) krasnovato-brown botched work. Earlier all was by way of. Snachalo it is weak, and then amplifies. Are allocated small sgustochki and nitochki. In the first day of "presents" monthly too are allocated sgustochki. At a hysteroscopy of an endometriosis is not present. Are found out polipoobraznye changes in the cervical channel, on RDV - fibrozno-glandular polyps in cervical. Still there is on shejke uteruses endometrioznaja a point which has appeared after cauterization of erosion. Such disturbance at me a year. Monthly regular, the truth sometimes happen more feasibly, sometimes more weakly. Analyses all good. What is it can be? Whether it is possible for me to become pregnant thus? Whether is not present at me chego-nubud terrible or predispositions to it or this? Respond, I very much worry!!!

Savchenko A.A.
20.05.2004, 20:39
The reason krovjanistyh vydeleny from sexual ways can be: a polyp endometrija or the cervical channel (but at vyskablidanija he (they) should be removed, and all should normalizavatsja); endomterioz - the most probable reason, it is not always easy or light to establish or install or reject this diagnosis; dysfunction of ovaries. To understand with it or this mozhent only your doctor, and as to solve the problem on an opportunity of pregnancy.