Просмотр полной версии : Good evening! I did or made 2 attempts EKO + IKSI (at us the man's factor) and then...

11.05.2004, 22:02
Good evening! I did or made 2 attempts EKO + IKSI (at us the man's factor) and then on a hysteroscopy at me have found an adenomyosis 1 2 items At the same time a biopsy have shown, that endometry "bald". And it is valid, I have looked or seen the US, a-echo at 6 day of a cycle of 5 7 mm. Position is burdened also by a microadenoma of a pituitary body. I accept bromkriptin, but the endocrinologist has warned, that the microadenoma can start to develop at reception of Progesteronum. To put it briefly, it is so much many problems, and treatment of each of them contradicts other treatment. I wish to make job above mistakes or errors and the third attempt to spend successfully. The first 2 reports were short, buserelin with menogom. (2 months buserelinom) to me already caused an artificial climacterium, monthly already were (vrach-reproduktolog has not started up me in the superlong report, has told or said, that there will be a weak answer of ovaries). You would advise what scheme or plan and whether there is in general a sense to do or make EKO?

Kamenetskij B.A.
15.05.2004, 20:57
Natalia! A problem really serious, also I am afraid, within the limits of correspondence dialogue you hardly can hear any advice or councils. (except for paramedikov and charlatans, they treat practically all.)

17.05.2004, 01:12
That is it is meaningful to arrive to you on consultation? Or problems so serious, what EKO is not meaningful?

Kamenetskij B.A.
20.05.2004, 20:29
I think it is meaningful vtretitsja.