Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the Doctor. Thanks for the answer to my previous answer. I measure...

It is glad
19.05.2004, 05:47
Hello, the Doctor. Thanks for the answer to my previous answer.
I take basal temperature some years (to me put sklerokistoz, whether therefore on temperature wish to trace there is an ovulation), in first half of cycle I had a temperature 36, 6 36, 7, and in the second 37, 0 37, 1. Here it's OK, and as I understand it just and speaks about an ovulation. But the last half a year at me the temperature in the first polovide 36, 9, and in the second rises up to 37, 3 37, 5, here it already similar is not so normal, whether speaks it about presence of inflammatory processes.
In advance thanks.

Maljarskaja M.M.
20.05.2004, 17:37
Can, inflammatory process, can still something But the ovulation all the same is, so about sklerokistoze speeches cannot be.