Просмотр полной версии : Many thanks for your cognitive page! In July, 2001 to me uda...

19.05.2004, 22:31
Many thanks for your cognitive page!
In July, 2001 to me have removed an endometrial spiral which at me stojalja 6 years and since then we try to conceive the child but while it is ineffectual.
Menstrual cycle at me regular 28 30 days.
In December I had a menses only one day, and in January the menses has attacked 4 days before (such earlier never was), bloody
Allocation were very plentiful, in the form of brown clots.
Prompt please, whether it is necessary to me to address to the doctor in occasion of sterility or barrenness or it is necessary to wait still? Can be at me there does not come an ovulation?
To me of 36 years, I already have two children from the same husband, and with their conception I did not have any problems.
Thankful in advance.
Yours faithfully
vic@sirena. dk

Malanova T.B.
20.05.2004, 09:11
After udvlenija Naval Forces it is desirable to spend always antibacterial therapy in days of a menses, and in the subsequent and a course fiziolechenija. Before planning of pregnancy it is desirable for you to visit at the gynecologist and probably to spend preparation. Address on HOSPITAL. RU

Kamenetskij B.A.
20.05.2004, 17:00
After a year of a regular sexual life and absence of pregnancy there is an occasion for trouble.