Просмотр полной версии : dop to a question. The doctor, tell or say please. Whether " are afraid spermotozoidy some water...

19.05.2004, 01:01
dop to a question.
The doctor, tell or say please. Whether " are afraid spermotozoidy some water? " Thanks Is available in view of podmyvanie the partner and partnerli. And a question to your answer. For that it is desirable prmenjat a bath, to the partner or partnershe.

20.05.2004, 01:45
Vanna-business voluntary, but they are not afraid some water. But are afraid of acidic medium and our grandmothers were protected by syringing by the water acidified by a lemon juice right after the sexual certificate or act. Reliability, understand, not high. Also spermatozoons are afraid of a heat, and the hot bath to the man before the sexual certificate or act frames effect of time or temporary sterilization. At the given way reliability still below. So it is better TO NOT PRACTISE these ways!

Soboleva L.I.
20.05.2004, 13:48
Dear Alain! As I have already told or said, the hot bath is NOT the METHOD of CONTRACEPTION. But if the man takes a hot bath up to the sexual certificate or act activity of spermatozoons decreases. I shall repeat, it is the information in a greater measure for at whom it is impossible to become pregnant.