Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Recently the cyst has been found out in me 58, have made a puncture....

Olga, 23
19.05.2004, 19:03
Recently the cyst has been found out in me 58, have made a puncture. Hochts to become pregnant, when it is possible?
I accept Dexamethazonum, djufaston 5 months - t. To. There was no ovulation, and Progesteronum has been raised or increased (almost in 10 times above norm or rate), now the ovulation is (according to BT),
Whether could provoke application of hormones body height of a cyst?
Whether it is possible to cancel application of hormones and to try to become pregnant without them (before I did not try). Thanks

Kamenetskij B.A.
20.05.2004, 08:38
I think that between application of preparations and presence of a cyst communication or connection is absent. As if to purpose or appointment or cancellings of preparations you should discuss this question with your treating vrachem, t. To. To give correspondence references concerning treatment it is impossible.