Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Speak, that Diane-35 it is effective not only as a contraceptive...

19.05.2004, 00:52
Hello. Speak, that Diane-35 it is effective not only as a contraceptive, but also eliminates or erases;removes spots. To me of 25 years, 2 e children, but problems with a pimply skin with wide pores have remained. Besides after the first pregnancy there was an eczema on palms as have told or said the allergist with the dermatologist - iz-for hormonal disbalansa and stresses. Between beremennostjami accepted Logest and got fat. Can be Diane-35 will solve all problems at once. (In our consultation the gynecologist appoints or nominates only Logest to all women till 30 years).

Soboleva L.I.
20.05.2004, 06:13
Hello, Svetlana! Really, Diane-35 possesses similar action. But a dose of hormones in itself considerably above, than in Logeste. It is possible to try or taste preparation ZHanin (he also has antiandrogenic an effect, in him it is less than hormones, than in Diane-35 though and it is more, than in Logeste).