Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! Here 1, 5 years I am am excruciated with a unpleasant smell from a moisture...

16.05.2004, 05:55
Hello the doctor! Here 1, 5 years I am am excruciated with a unpleasant smell from a vagina without vydeleny. All possible or probable inspections have been made repeatedly - crops some times, including on anaeroby, everywhere norm or rate. However, method PTSR had been found out Trichomonases and gardnerelly, after intensive treatment tiberalom and Tinidazolum the situation has not changed. Thus venereologists speak, that by method PTSR of a Trichomonas are not diagnosed. Treatment by antibiotics, mikosistom was spent also, suppositories (neo-penotran, kipferon, etc.) What is it can be? Help or assist please!

Andikjan V.M.
16.05.2004, 14:46
At you similar bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoz. First of all careful hygiene before and after a coitus, normalization of a microflora - both vaginas, and an intestine is necessary. I can recommend to you prparat solkotrihovak. It can be rather effective

20.05.2004, 05:11
Thanks the doctor! I shall necessarily try or taste solkotrihovak, on results I shall inform.