Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me 24. 1, 5 it was treated from uraplazmy and gardnerell back...

18.05.2004, 23:48
Hello! To me 24. 1, 5 it was treated from uraplazmy and gardnerelly back. One year ago have found out cytomegalovirus IgM-it is not found out, and IgG-34. After treatment (viferon, remesan and imunoglobulin vnutremyshechno) IgG-24, in half a year again IgG-49. Also have found out Koksaki (pools) AI +, AII + +, AIII +, AIV + ++, AV + +, B + ++, 68-71 + +. In current 7 months not predohranjalas-pregnancy is not present. Has handed over analyses on hormones: LG-the OOZE (holes. 1, 1 77) - 11 FSG-the OOZE (holes. 0, 7 21) - 10, 80; Estradiol-the OOZE (holes. 50 400) - 87, 40; Testosteron-the OOZE (holes. 1, 8 4) - 8, 50; Korti-zol-the OOZE (holes. 138 690) - 416, 00; 17 oksiprogesteron (holes. 0, 2 3, 5) - 1, 3. DGEA-S (days of holes. 0, 85 1, 65) - 0, 75. At inspection (rukomi) the doctor has told or said, that a uterus small (infantelizm). Whether I can become pregnant? Than it is dangerous Koksaki and whether it is necessary for something to do or make with a cytomegalovirus?

Malanova T.B.
20.05.2004, 01:21
1. In analyses - high digits of Testosteron-Depotum. ". TSMV - to treat it is not necessary. 3. Koksaki - metabolic therapy usually undersigns. 4. Pregnancy should be.